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Bre'A, pink, single mom, nurse, LPN, Boy mom, black mom

"Happiness is having a natural high."

-Rodney Lynn Belle (Sept. 25th 1957-Sept. 23rd 2003)

Welch High School c/o 1975


It's me! Ya girl!

You've come to the right place! Like everyone that knows me says, "If it's pink, it probably belongs to Bre!". Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to like With Love, Bre'A on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

The Crow, Eric Draven


Constantly losing my mind and falling in love while parenting boys one day at a time.

Started this journey in 2014 and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. You can take a look into my life and use it as your very own guide to parenting boys for dummies, because my boys definitely keep me on my toes. 



It's not the perfect career, but I'm in love with it and the people I care for.

After what seemed like an eternity, I survived nursing school and proudly became a nurse in 2016 and it's literally been the craziest journey of my existence.

LPN, pink

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Bre'A Belle
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